Copies of the Air Transport Reporting (ATR) Forms, with their corresponding reporting instructions incorporating the changes recommended by the Tenth Session of the Statistics Division (), are shown below in Microsoft Excel format. ICAO encourages States and other reporting entities to submit their data electronically. Reference Manual. The UN recognized ICAO as the central agency responsible for the collection, analysis, publication, standardization, improvement and dissemination of statistics pertaining to civil aviation. Because of its status as a UN specialized agency, ICAO remains independent and outside influences. Page Content. Statistics Programme. This programme, initiated in , collects, processes, analyzes and disseminates civil aviation statistics as required by States and the Organization for an efficient, safe and secure development of civil aviation. It also provides the traffic exposure data necessary to derive trend level indicators related to measuring the implementation levels .
Reference Manual on the ICAO Statistics Programme (Doc ) 5th Edition, USD Notes for Digital Publications. Close tooltip. Notes for digital publications. ICAO publications in digital format are protected by security features and require Adobe Reader. How to install Adobe Reader. Files are in PDF format. Reference Manual. The UN recognized ICAO as the central agency responsible for the collection, analysis, publication, standardization, improvement and dissemination of statistics pertaining to civil aviation. Because of its status as a UN specialized agency, ICAO remains independent and outside influences. Page Content. Statistics Programme. This programme, initiated in , collects, processes, analyzes and disseminates civil aviation statistics as required by States and the Organization for an efficient, safe and secure development of civil aviation. It also provides the traffic exposure data necessary to derive trend level indicators related to measuring the implementation levels of ICAO’s Strategic Objectives Safety — Enhance global civil aviation safety and C — Environmental.
(Flight Planning and Fuel Management Manual), no que se refere à política compreende e aplica a recomendação da ICAO à sua própria maneira. DGCA in India is the regulatory body in the field of Civil Aviation primarily dealing with safety issues. 1 de jan. de This fifth edition of the manual takes into account the changes introduced in to the ICAO Statistics Programme following the adoption.