Utilizing the Introduction to Alpha Phi Omega Manual, the pledge or new member educator leads incoming classes in accomplishing the learning objectives within the training syllabus and preparing them to serve in the chapter as an active member. The duties of this position may vary. · 24 Aug Pledge Manual. Posted at h in by APO Administrator 0 Comments. 29 Likes. Download. Download File Size MB. File Count 1. Create Date Aug. This manual is dedicated to you — the pledge of Alpha Phi Omega. You represent our hope for the future. Our principles of Leadership, Friendship and Service are yours for safekeeping. They provide a strong base on which to build a successful standard of conduct. It is our hope that you will embrace them, live by them and share them with others.
This manual is dedicated to you - the pledge of Alpha Phi Omega. You represent our hope for the future. Our principles of Leadership, Friendship and Service are yours for safekeeping. They provide a strong base on which to build a successful standard of conduct. It is our hope that you will embrace them, live by them and share them with others. This manual is dedicated to you — the pledge of Alpha Phi Omega. You represent our hope for the future. Our principles of Leadership, Friendship and Service are yours for safekeeping. They provide a strong base on which to build a successful standard of conduct. It is our hope that you will embrace them, live by them and share them with others. The purpose of Alpha Phi Omega shall be to assemble college students in a national service fraternity in the fellowship of principles derived from the Scout Oath and Law of the Boy Scouts of America; to develop leadership, to promote friendship, and to provide service to humanity; and to further the freedom that is our national, educational, and intellectual heritage.
Member Documents. Alpha Protocol Etiquette Manual Alpha University Documents. Alpha Advisor Training Presentation Omega Chapter Listing. Pledge Membership; Collegiate Membership; Alumni Membership; Life Membership a period of orientation, training and education in the ideals, principles. A pledge can have their absence from a chapter meeting excused at the discretion of the secretary if they provide written documentation or an email prior to the.