SunGold Specialty Meats complies with the CFIA requirements of the Food Safety Enhancement Program (FSEP), which includes requirements of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures (MOP), Standard Operating Practices (SOPs), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), HACCP Plans for both slaughtering and www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 2 mins. The objective of the Food Safety Enhancement Program (FSEP) of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is to specify minimum requirements for an effective food safety management system. Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Food Safety Enhancement Program Manual - Section 3 A The establishment has and implements documented water safety procedures to ensure that water and ice meet the potability requirements of the appropriate regulatory authority. Where filters .
Food Safety Enhancement Program Manual FSEP Manual page i The Food Safety Enhancement Program (FSEP) Manual has been prepared in order to provide assistance to: C the workforce of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) C the management and employees of the food industry Chapter 1 Introduction and Background. Food Safety Enhancement Program Manual FSEP Manual page vii Glossary of Terms Agency – The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Agri-food product – Any meat, fruit, vegetable, egg, dairy, honey or maple product that is canned, cooked, dehydrated, refrigerated or otherwise preserved. The objective of the Food Safety Enhancement Program (FSEP) of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is to specify minimum requirements for an effective food safety management system.
About OutbreakNet Enhanced OutbreakNet Enhanced is a CDC program that provides support to state and local health departments to improve their capacity to detect, investigate, control, and respond to enteric disease outbreaks. OutbreakNet En. Food safety is important for everyone, especially for those who have received a transplant. Not handling foods safely can lead to food borne illness (commonly referred to as food poisoning). Food borne illness can be very serious, even dead. No one wants to eat spoiled food or have freshly bought food go bad before its expiration date. For these reasons, proper food storage is important. Not only does effective storage keep you healthy, but it also can save money. Here are some.