Ferrari corker manual

 · The Easy corker has a unique spring mechanism that grabs the neck of the bottle and holds tight while the cork is inserted. Insert a cork into the plastic window and lower the handles. The depth of the cork can be adjusted by moving the 2 nuts on the top of the threaded shaft. Patented design made by Ferrari in Italy.3/5(4). Welcome to our free Homebrewing Manuals Instructions Page! On this page you will find our free collection of manuals and instructions developed in-house as a byproduct of over 25 years worth of homebrewing experiments, conversations with industry experts . Raise the handle and remove the wine bottle and check the depth of the cork. Adjust the plunger nut on the inserting rod either up or down to adjust the depth of the wine cork into the bottle. Repeat until satisfied. After use, clean crimping jaws when down with a dry rag and store in a dry place. Lubricate joints as needed, using a food-grade.

Pity the poor floor corker. Watching all that great wine being made and yet it gets used so seldom. And after it does its job it is pushed to a dark lonely corner. It gets little recognition and even less attention. So, how should you properly maintain your floor corker and insure it will cork thousands of bottles in its lifetime. manual corker for crown caps Colt Super. € 27,00 VAT included. Shipping on: 30 Nov add to basket. OK. add to basket. OK. SPARE PARTS MANUAL. Ferrari Costruzioni Meccaniche. Tel +39 Strada Squadri N o 6 Guidizzolo (MN) Italia | e c.f. IT | Cap. soc. €

See Corking for instructions on corking and commercial corker options. Italian (Ferrari) Floor Corker (high end route; used by small breweries as well). Mar 1. You can steep or steam the corks in hot water for a short period of time. Bring a pan of water to a boil; turn the burner off; put the corks. Shop Online - Ferrari Floor Corker - Italian made floor corker with precision chrome iris compression jaws last and last, corks any standard wine bottles.


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